Greensorb All Natural Multi-Purpose Reusable Oil Absorbent
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Use and Reuse
- Spread a generous amount of Greensorb over a liquid spill.
- Allow Greensorb to absorb the spill for 2-5 minutes.
- Mix the Greensorb over the spill area using a broom or firm brush – use additional Greensorb as needed.
- Sweep up the dry Greensorb material and place into container for reuse.
- After multiple uses Greensorb will become & remain a dark brown color and is ready for disposal.
- Follow all Company Standard Operating Procedures for spill waste disposal. If there are no formal S.O.P.’s then dispose of Greensorb as normal waste in accordance with all local, state and federal environmental regulations.
See Guidelines for Use.
Greensorb can be reused several times on different types of spills. In most practical applications, a “working” bucket containing the Greensorb is established for use on spills. Because the product can be reused/recycled, users are encouraged to utilize more product than may be necessary for a spill. This will extend the useful life of the Greensorb in the working bucket. Simply return the used product to the working bucket after cleaning for reuse on future spills. Once the product in the working bucket is fully used, it can be disposed of and replaced with new Greensorb, and your reuse procedure is established.
See Guidelines for Use.
The amount of reuse is determined by the type and quantity of spilled substance being cleaned. In testing, the same sample of Greensorb has been used on substances with a heavier viscosity, such as engine, compressor or heating oils and lubricants up to four times. Testing on clear fuels, such as gasoline, jet fuel or alcohol‐based solvents has resulted in samples being reused up to seven times. Greensorb can generally be used only once when cleaning different types of paint spills.
See Guidelines for Use.
Greensorb will turn a dark coffee color when it is fully used, indicating the need for disposal and replacement with fresh product.
See Guidelines for Use.
Greensorb is very effective on fresh paint spills, while the paint is in a liquid form. The first step is to apply Greensorb product by covering the spill generously, next, the user should allow a three minute “soaking” period, after which the product will need to be worked into the spill with scraping tool until the spill is lifted off tile, terrazzo or concrete floors. Repeat this process until the paint stain is removed.
For spills on wood floors, a whisk broom replaces the scraping tool, and the same process is used until no trace of the paint remains.
For paint spills on carpets, Greensorb can be poured over the spill and worked into the paint stain. With a vacuum cleaner, remove the paint‐soaked Greensorb and repeat the process until it is obvious that the paint left is dried and attached to the carpet fabric. Then apply small amounts of paint thinner to liquefy the stain, re‐apply Greensorb and work the product into the stain. Vacuum and repeat this process until the stain is removed.
Users should be very careful when working with oxidizing compounds. Yes, Greensorb is very effective to use on many types of oxidizers depending on the relative dilution or strength.
Yes, Greensorb is very effective on caustic spills such as Skydrol and other more commonly used hydraulic fluids.
The Greensorb Caddy is our industrial cart and mobile “spill kit” for larger spills. It is made of high-quality, durable, heavy-duty plastic. It conveniently includes a commercial telescoping broom and a light-duty shovel. The top of the unit has a large lid that covers the opening. This lid opens upward and allows the user to fill the unit with fresh Greensorb material. In this top opening there is a removable plastic screen tray. Typically users remove/replace the screen when filling new material into the unit. On one side of the unit is a placeholder for the telescoping broom that comes with the unit. On the other side is a holder for the shovel that comes with the unit. In the front and lower on the unit, there is an access opening to scoop the Greensorb material out of the Caddy using the shovel.
Users scoop a generous amount of Greensorb material with the shovel from the bottom access area of the unit to apply to a spill. Follow the Guidelines for Use. Once the spill is dry, the users will sweep up the Greensorb material and return it to the Caddy through the top opening for reuse. This is done by sweeping the Greensorb material into the shovel and putting it into the top of the unit through the screen. The screen will capture any large objects or debris in the used Greensorb material and allow it to fall into the Caddy. The partially used material will mix inside the Caddy with the new material and cause the used material to dry further. Continued use of Greensorb will eventually cause the material to become a dark brown color. After multiple uses Greensorb will become & remain a dark brown color and is ready for disposal (see Guidelines for Use).
Do not use Greensorb with Hydrofluoric acid. It is also cautioned that when reusing Greensorb material to be careful not to mix used Greensorb material with potentially multiple reactive liquids. For example, it is advised to reuse Greensorb material with the same type of liquids such as all oils or fuels.
It is recommended to follow all Company Standard Operating Procedures for spill waste disposal. If there are no formal S.O.P.’s then dispose of Greensorb as normal waste in accordance with all local, state and federal environmental regulations.
The Greensorb Caddy can hold up to 120lbs of material, and customers often will fill the unit with our GS-40lb size bag. Caution should be used when rolling the Caddy if it is filled with a large amount of Greensorb material.
Safegrade 320 is a neutral pH, non-toxic, non-flammable, and aqueous-based cleanser/ solvent in a concentrated form. It is comprised of sustainable, biobased ingredients and is readily biodegradable.
Surfaces should be pre-tested prior to use. SAFEGRADE-320 can be used full strength or diluted with water prior to use. The dilution will depend upon the type and amount of soil. Pre-test small areas to determine best dilution rate for each job. Less product is needed if factors such as temperature, dwell time, and/or scrubbing/agitation are increased. Apply by: hand/pump sprayer, or in pressure washer system (low volume mode) on surface to be cleaned. Let stand for a short period of time. Longer times may be required for heavier soils. Rinse with hose, power washer or steam cleaner. Repeat process as necessary.
1. Pour or spray Safegrade-320, full strength, over the stain.
2. Spread the Safegrade-320 evenly over the stain with a hard-bristle brush or broom and scrub into the stain.
3. Let the cleaner penetrate for 3-4 minutes so it can lift the stain.
4. Pour a generous amount of the Greensorb reusable absorbent over the area.
5. Spread Greensorb even over the stain with your broom or brush and scrub into the stain. Let it sit for 2-5 minutes.
6. Sweep up the Greensorb and replace into receptical for reuse.
Yes. The product is classified as J1, which means the product is acceptable for use as an anti-slip agent for application to floors to correct a hazardous condition. The product may be used in all areas provided its use is limited to the area of where the hazard exists. The product may not be used as a substitute for good sanitation. It must be removed as part of the routine floor cleaning operation.
The listing for Greensorb can be found by searching on the product name or using the company name Sorbent Green, LLC at the following website: www.nsfwhitebook.org
NSF is the most trusted name in food safety and is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organizations in existence today. NSF is valued by consumers, manufacturers, retailers and regulatory agencies worldwide.
The NSF certification mark on a product means that the product complies with all standard requirements. NSF conducts periodic unannounced inspections and product testing to verify that the product continues to comply with the standard.
While there are a number of product attributes that make Greensorb a popular product with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, four major qualities include the following:
- Safer Handling: As it is an encapsulating absorbent that does not leech after use, it is much safer to handle during the cleanup and disposal processes when dealing with hazardous spills.
- Non Flammable: Unlike most other absorbents, Greensorb is non‐flammable and safely neutralizes flammable substances once absorbed, also making the waste generated safer to store and dispose.
- Safer Floors: Greensorb is a gritty ceramic particulate. So, while it dries the spill it makes the surface less slippery with the gritty traction of the particles. When used properly, Greensorb leaves no floor residue after cleanup, reducing slip and fall incidents caused by the slippery residues often left by competing products after cleanup.
- Safer to Breathe: Most competing absorbents create clouds of crystalline silica during use, a dust very hazardous to the human respiratory system. OSHA has determined that Greensorb is at least 100 times safer to breathe than most competing absorbents, specifically cat litter‐type products.
Yes, upon consult with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we have been conveyed the following information from the agency:
Greensorb is classified as an official sorbent material and consists solely of the materials listed in section 300.915(g)(l) of the National Contingency Plan (NCP).
According to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Greensorb meets or exceeds the characteristics of a sorbent as is listed in sub-parts 300.5 and 300.919 of the National Contingency Plan (NCP).
For a copy of the certification letter sent to the EPA, please click here.
Yes. The newly required format due at the end of 2015 is actually called a Safety Data Sheet (SDS). The SDS for Greensorb can be found under the Product Info page of the website. Click here for SDS Document.
We also share lab results on various EPA tests conducted on Greensorb by our independent lab, Chem-Bac Laboratories. The lab results can also be found under the Product Info page of the website.
Yes, Greensorb meets and exceeds OSHA’s requirements for the dry absorption of body fluids outlined in the Blood-borne Pathogens Standard Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) sub-part 1910.1030.
Yes. The product is classified as a Cleaning Product under Section 5.2 and Class A1, which means the product is neutral or mildly alkaline products consisting of any combination of soaps, detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, solubilizers, and common inorganic builders, and surfaces require a potable water rinse after use. The product may be used in all areas.
The listing for Safegrade 320 can be found by searching on the product name or using the company name Sorbent Green, LLC at the following website: www.nsfwhitebook.org
NSF is the most trusted name in food safety and is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organizations in existence today. NSF is valued by consumers, manufacturers, retailers and regulatory agencies worldwide. The NSF certification mark on a product means that the product complies with all standard requirements. NSF conducts periodic unannounced inspections and product testing to verify that the product continues to comply with the standard.
NSF Official Listing for Safegrade (link to be provided)
Yes. The product is classified as J1, which means the product is acceptable for use as an anti-slip agent for application to floors to correct a hazardous condition. The product may be used in all areas provided its use is limited to the area of where the hazard exists. The product may not be used as a substitute for good sanitation. It must be removed as part of the routine floor cleaning operation.
The listing for Greensorb can be found by searching on the product name or using the company name Sorbent Green, LLC at the following website: www.nsfwhitebook.org
NSF is the most trusted name in food safety and is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organizations in existence today. NSF is valued by consumers, manufacturers, retailers and regulatory agencies worldwide.
The NSF certification mark on a product means that the product complies with all standard requirements. NSF conducts periodic unannounced inspections and product testing to verify that the product continues to comply with the standard.
Yes. We have a lot of schools that use Greensorb every day. These institutions are daycare, kindergarten, high schools, colleges, universities, trade schools and medical schools all use Greensorb for many applications depending on the type of facilities they operate. Residence‐dormitory halls, janitorial, food spills in the kitchens, facility vehicle shops, laboratory spills, medical school facility biological and more. There are many similar applications in healthcare as well including emergency first responders on the scene of an accident.
Yes, Greensorb meets and exceeds OSHA’s requirements for the dry absorption of body fluids outlined in the Blood-borne Pathogens Standard Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) sub-part 1910.1030.
Yes, Greensorb is approved by the USDA for use as an absorbent or anti-slip agent for the spot application to floors to correct a hazardous condition in official establishments operating under the Federal meat and poultry products inspection program.
Generally when the spill liquid or dry waste contains any of the following characteristics, it is considered hazardous:
- Ignitable: The waste has a flash point of less than 140°F or 60°C.
- Corrosive: The acidity of the waste has a pH Value of less than or equal to 2, or greater than or equal to 12.5, or corrodes steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm per year at 55°C.
- Reactive: The waste is considered unstable if it reacts violently with water; or, is capable of producing toxic gas such as cyanide or sulfide bearing; or is potentially explosive or detonating in mixtures with water.
- Toxic: The waste material tests positive and above a certain concentration for 39 contaminants the EPA has listed in Federal regulations ( i.e. certain pesticides, benzene, heavy metals such as lead, mercury) and halogenated organic substances such as pentachlorophenol and trichloroethylene. Sorbent Green recommends all waste generators follow federal and local regulations for safe disposal of their waste.
Cost Efficiency
Greensorb actually works out to be a lower-cost-per-use than many competing products.
Greensorb is more efficient and reusable in absorbing multiple spills, so you use less material over time… generating less disposal waste into landfills. The initial cost for Greensorb may be higher, but the improved product performance actually saves a business in the long run. Savings come in areas of reduced man hours cleaning up spills, less disposal volume/costs and improved workplace safety conditions for employers.
More importantly, Greensorb is much safer and easier to use in the workplace, eliminates slippery floor residues left by cat litter, is non‐flammable, non‐caustic, non‐hazardous to breathe, and is much better for the environment.
Shipping & Warranty
The freight class is 50. The ECCN Code is EAR99. And, there is an additional harmonized export code of 2508.40.0120
SORBENT GREEN LLC (“SG”) represents and warrants that its products are manufactured in accordance with the product’s specifications and that its products, at the time of delivery to the purchaser, shall be free from all material defects. In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, SG’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to refund the purchase price or to provide products which conform to this warranty, so long as any deficiencies are reported to SG within thirty (30) days after discovery thereof, but in no event later than one (1) year after the date of manufacture. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. FURTHER, IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT SG’S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE RETURN OF THE AMOUNT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY PURCHASER AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL SG BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. Products for which a warranty claim is made are to be returned transportation prepaid to SG’s warehouse. Any use not in accordance with product directions and precautionary statements, and any modifications or additives to the products, or any adulteration, dilution or alteration by the purchaser shall void this warranty. No employee or representative of SG is authorized to change this warranty in any way or to grant any other warranty.