January 29, 2022 Greensorb

Does Safegrade 320 have an NSF rating?

Yes. The product is classified as a Cleaning Product under Section 5.2 and Class A1, which means the product is neutral or mildly alkaline products consisting of any combination of soaps, detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, solubilizers, and common inorganic builders, and surfaces require a potable water rinse after use. The product may be used in all areas.

The listing for Safegrade 320 can be found by searching on the product name or using the company name Sorbent Green, LLC at the following website: www.nsfwhitebook.org

NSF is the most trusted name in food safety and is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organizations in existence today. NSF is valued by consumers, manufacturers, retailers and regulatory agencies worldwide. The NSF certification mark on a product means that the product complies with all standard requirements. NSF conducts periodic unannounced inspections and product testing to verify that the product continues to comply with the standard.

NSF Official Listing for Safegrade (link to be provided)